Monday 3 January 2011

The most expensive pint in West Yorkshire?

While out doing a reccie on the new house and almost meeting the new neighbour, we thought we would try a few of the local pubs.

Calling in at the butchers arms in hepworth, we sneak in a pint of taylors golden best. Either that or a choice of the dreaded black sheep.

Lovely pub, gorgeous flagged floors and an open fire help ease the pain of paying £3 a pint!

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  1. NO!!! Somewhere even more expensive!! The Fleece at Holme, £3.20 a pint, come on guys are you for real??

  2. Oh, come on, this is getting ridiculous. Nipped into in Holmfirth last night for a quick pint before the film, nice pint of landlord but a wallet busting £3.30 a pint - come on guys are you for real??
