Tuesday 28 April 2009

Big fish from the Colne

Its a bit lanky but still a cracking fish for a small river caught on the fly, dutily followed up by a swift pint at the Tunnel End Inn, Marsden.

Corian Worktops

A blog is born...

Under a star... a blog is born.... OK, well, we were in a pub, the Halifax Steam Brewery tap in Hipperholme, Halifax to be exact.

A rather cool pub. A sort of wine bar without the wine. Where 10 hand pulled beers were beautifully positioned along the entire length of the bar... From outside, the pub looks like a portacabin, yet once inside, it was more like being on a yacht with varnished wood and subdued lighting. A most pleasant atmosphere even on a Monday night. With their fine beers at a slinky £2.20 a pint and brewed on the premises, we were left questioning whether to walk the 3 hours+ from home next time, camp on the adjacent campsite or stay at the parents...

I'm glad i dont live in Hipperholme, i think i would end up taking residency in the bar or campsite...

Corian worktops