Friday, 25 February 2011

The dog that loves smart cars...

Blue Ginger

She's getting funnier in her old age.

She now prefers to travel by Smart car, hates the lane rover for some reason? She even leans into the corners as spaceflower throws the car around the country lanes...

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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Here we go....

Probably the nearest pub to the new house. The bay horse at hade edge. Obviously got a problem with under age drinkers as signs everywhere saying no 14 year olds everywhere. They also don't allow dogs... Looks like its a Jennings pub, Cumberland ale and dark mild on the hand pulleds. Spaceflowers dad here preachers to the landlord about the temperature of the beer... I thought I was bad!

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Tuesday, 15 February 2011


Stanley superstar hits the magical 200 degrees!

Spaceflower makes a couple of soda bread loaves which look amazing!

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