Thursday, 27 May 2010

Spooky fish

I walk the dog up here most lunchtimes. There are so many trout in here its mad. It never gets fished but the fish are so spooky. It doesn't bode well for my clumsy wading style when I'm actually trying to catch them!

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Saturday, 22 May 2010

Beer from the coast

Our lass brought us this back after visiting southwold in east Anglia. Even better, she managed to wangle a discount from the brewery shop!

Hottest weekend of the year in the very high 20s. Hope its nice and got next weekend when we're camping.
Oh and the beer, yeah pretty good, follows a bbq with king prawns nicely!

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Saturday, 15 May 2010

A cloudy pint & a sterile environment

This place was recommended to us, the carriage house above marsden.

We were led to believe its dog friendly, not when we visited.

The black sheep golden sheep arrived cloudy, perhaps not sat for long enough?

The place is just sterile though, no atmosphere at all, maybe its too big? I don't know. No friendly welcome from the landlady, she would learn a lot from the owners of the tunnel end inn. We had big hopes for this place. Plans for a 10th anniversary bash taking over the place... I don't think so.

All in all, a very disappointing visit, no incentive to return.

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Thursday, 13 May 2010

Cracking Fish Grommit

Caught on a home tied gold ribbed hares ear nymph. This cracker was sat in the fastest of water, i'm sure it didnt have much time to decide whether to grab my nymph or not - they are obviously irresistable!! Took a good 10 mins to net it... Phew...

Caught on 22/4/2010